Results for 'Todor D. Todorov'

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  1.  76
    Full algebra of generalized functions and non-standard asymptotic analysis.Todor D. Todorov & Hans Vernaeve - 2008 - Logic and Analysis 1 (3-4):205-234.
    We construct an algebra of generalized functions endowed with a canonical embedding of the space of Schwartz distributions.We offer a solution to the problem of multiplication of Schwartz distributions similar to but different from Colombeau’s solution.We show that the set of scalars of our algebra is an algebraically closed field unlike its counterpart in Colombeau theory, which is a ring with zero divisors. We prove a Hahn–Banach extension principle which does not hold in Colombeau theory. We establish a connection between (...)
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    Nonstandard Analysis in Topology: Nonstandard and Standard Compactifications.S. Salbany & Todor Todorov - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1836-1840.
    Let be a topological space and *X a nonstandard extension of X. Sets of the form *G, where G $\in$ T. form a base for the "standard" topology $^ST$ on *X. The topological space will be used to study compactifications of in a systematic way.
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  3. A review of khristo Todorov's essays on the philosophy of history. [REVIEW]Todor Polimenov - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53 (1-2):141-144.
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    Iterated learning reveals stereotypes of facial trustworthiness that propagate in the absence of evidence.Stefan Uddenberg, Bill D. Thompson, Madalina Vlasceanu, Thomas L. Griffiths & Alexander Todorov - 2023 - Cognition 237 (C):105452.
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  5. Pojam 'filozofska javnost' kao instrument analize povijesti moderne filozofske kulture u Bugarskoj.Dobrin Todorov - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):297-306.
    Ovaj rad započinje konstatacijom da u sklopu relativno kratke povijesti moderne filozofske kulture u Bugarskoj postoji dovoljno osnova za razlikovanje nekoliko zasebnih razdoblja, svako od kojih uključuje specifične razvojne etape. Svako razdoblje stoga zaslužuje ozbiljnu analizu. No istraživanje povijesti moderne bugarske filozofije mora se temeljiti na jasnim metodološkim premisama. Kada objašnjavamo fenomene i procese filozofskog života u ovoj zemlji, polazimo od pojma filozofske kulture, shvaćenoga kao kompleksni sustav koji uključuje elemente i idealne prirode i ne-idealnog karaktera. Svi čimbenici socio-kulturne naravi (...)
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    Don’t Blame Hippocrates for Low Enrollment in Clinical Trials.John D. Lantos - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (1):1-3.
    “Facts don’t come with their own meaning attached.” Tzvetan Todorov Alex John London is frustrated by the commonly encountered situation of doctors thinking that they know what is bes...
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    Un problème d’appropriation : Schleiermacher entre Gadamer et Todorov.Brian T. Fitch - 1997 - Horizons Philosophiques 7 (2):59.
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    Book ReviewsTzvetan Todorov,. Frail Happiness: An Essay on Rousseau. Translated by John T. Scott and Robert D. Zaretsky.University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001. Pp. xxxii+70. $22.50. [REVIEW]Zev M. Trachtenberg - 2002 - Ethics 112 (4):870-872.
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    Aux sources de l'identité européenne : « L'Esprit des Lumières » de Tzvetan Todorov.Alain Vuillemin - 2008 - Hermes 51:29.
    Aux sources du sentiment européen de l'identité se trouverait un héritage contrasté d'idées et de croyances venu des « Lumières » du XVIII siècle. Telle est la thèse développée dans L'Esprit des Lumières, un essai philosophique et politique publié en 2006 par Tzvetan Todorov. Cette mutation radicale de la pensée est un phénomène historique qui se produit en Europe, au XVIII siècle, et est « responsable de [l']identité présente » des Européens. L'auteur en réexamine les acquis, le projet initial, (...)
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    Devoirs et Delices d'une vie de passeur: Entretiens avec Catherine Portevin (review).Nathan Bracher - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (1):223-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 28.1 (2004) 223-225 [Access article in PDF] Devoirs et Délices d'une vie de passeur: Entretiens avec Catherine Portevin, by Tzvetan Todorov; 395 pp. Paris: Les Éditions du Seuil, 2002, €22. Caveat lector. Let the reader beware: this is no leisurely, nostalgic stroll by another Parisian intellectual now ruminating and pontificating over issues and events outside his competence. True to his vocation as ferryman (passeur), (...) guides the reader over the vast expanses of historical, ideological, and intensely personal terrain that he has explored as an émigré of Bulgaria, a brilliant Structuralist, French citizen, father, spouse, and son caring for his aged father. The resulting mosaic composes a narrative itinerary rich in intellectual history.The exceptional range of Todorov's experience and research affords him a unique perspective. Having first lived and studied under Stalinism, he distinguished himself as a Parisian literary scholar stressing the primacy of the linguistic. Now internationally renowned, his books cover a broad spectrum of human experience, including the Holocaust, WWII, totalitarianism, the ethics of memory, the role and function of the intellectual, race and culture, ethnocentrism and conquest, and, most recently, human identity and a new humanism. Having immersed himself in numerous contexts, Todorov has acquired extensive firsthand knowledge from within. He is nevertheless adept at standing back and assessing them from without, revealing idiosyncrasies and limitations. His uncompromising scrutiny bows to no ideological a priori, nor spares any sacred cow.Some pronouncements will ruffle feathers in a number of intellectual aviaries. He values literature, for example, above philosophy, science, and the social sciences as a source of not only beauty, but meaning and truth. Contrary to the tendency to view literature as an arbitrary construction used to further an agenda of socio-economic domination and political repression, he contends that literary texts can best enrich our vision of the world and our personal sensibilities. Stressing art's essential humanity while challenging the obsession with science and technology, Todorov views language as neither estranged from reality nor subjugated by politics. Hence the impossibility of isolating literature from ethics and existence: writers legitimately seek to come to terms with the human condition, communicating experiences and sensibilities we would otherwise ignore. [End Page 223]Criticism, contends Todorov, should accordingly plunge back into the work's context or thought, as does Bénichou in studying French Classicism, or Joseph Frank in analyzing Dostoyevsky, or else it should explore anthropological perspectives, as does René Girard. Todorov's focus remains squarely on the literary work, not on the genius of theory: we have more to learn from texts of all ages than from contemporary critics who embed them in systems, reducing them to mere examples of theory.Beyond the "ethnocentrism" (p. 124) that he sees in the tendency to approach literary works through current preoccupations, Todorov delivers a severe verdict on the Marxist intellectuals so prominent throughout the 1950s, 60s, and 70s: "... the thirty years (1945-1975) that were so glorious for the French economy [were] disastrous for political thought. Ideologically, these are years of stagnation and of an intellectual straight jacket in which all discourse was judged by the measure of Marxist-Leninist dogma" (pp. 144-45, translation mine). Todorov thus deplores such irresponsibility: all while enjoying the many material comforts and civil freedoms of a free-market, democratic society, "bobos" (bourgeois bohèmes) advocated the instauration of a totalitarian regime whose economic failures and political repression Todorov had known only too well. Their actions thus were not in keeping with their discourse, for they made no effort to seriously weigh the concrete results of their ideology.Like Tony Judt, who voices similar criticisms in Past Imperfect and The Burden of Responsibility, Todorov prefers Raymond Aron's intellectual rigor and Camus's humane moderation to Sartre's knee-jerk radicalism and futile gesticulations. Given Todorov's experience and erudition, such criticisms can neither be brushed aside nor attributed to being a rear-guard action. He moreover distributes incisive criticisms to the Right, to the Left, and even to the Center. But... (shrink)
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    The Scandal of Origins in Rousseau.Jeremiah L. Alberg - 2004 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 11 (1):1-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE SCANDAL OF ORIGINS IN ROUSSEAU Jeremiah L. Alberg University of West Georgia To speak of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and scandal is not difficult. Immediately one thinks of his relationship with Mme de Warens, his lover and his beloved mama. Most of his works upset some group or another—other intellectuals (the Discourse on the Sciences andArts), the Genevan authorities (the "Dedication" the Discourse on Inequality), the Church (Emile)—the list could (...)
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  12.  15
    Gérard Genette et la narratologie allemande : l’exemple du « Discours du récit ».Michael Scheffel - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):119-125.
    Gérard Genette a joué un rôle important lors de l’établissement de la méthode structurale en France et ailleurs. Néanmoins ses œuvres – à la différence de celles de Roland Barthes ou Tzvetan Todorov par exemple – ont été reçues en Allemagne avec un grand retard. Pour expliquer ce phénomène, l’article présente la situation d’outre-Rhin en esquissant dans ses grandes lignes l’évolution de la narratologie allemande jusqu’à ses racines dans la « morphologie » goethéenne. Une esquisse qui aboutit à une (...)
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    A Myth of reading.Alfred Louch - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):218-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Myth Of ReadingAlfred LouchThe Myth of Theory, by William Righter; x 7 224 pp. Cambridge University Press, 1994, $49.95.IThe critics mill about in the welcome break between interminable and terminal conference sessions, eager to see and be seen. William Righter wanders about, listening and telling anyone who stays to listen what he hears, musing all the while on what each of them has done, or tried to do, (...)
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    Situation de Gérard Genette.Dominique Combe - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):21-30.
    Gérard Genette occupe une « situation » intermédiaire entre les avant-gardes théoriques des années 1960 et l’histoire littéraire de la tradition lansonienne à la Sorbonne, où il avait commencé sa carrière académique, avant d’amorcer un « tournant rhétorique » dans la filiation de Valéry et de Paulhan. Enseignant la poétique à l’EPHE et à l’EHESS, il a contribué à renouveler profondément la théorie littéraire en France dans les années 1960, aux côtés de Barthes, Todorov, Jakobson et Michel Charles.
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  15. Rosen, Allen D., Kant's Theory of Justice.D. Becker - 1997 - International Studies in Philosophy 29:140-140.
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    Philosopy and Literature and the Crisis of Metaphysics.Sebastian Hüsch (ed.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.
    Short description: Part A : Philosophy, Literature, and Knowledge – Chapter I : Idealism and the Absolute – A. J. B. Hampton: “Herzen schlagen und doch bleibet die Rede zurück?” Philosophy, poetry, and Hölderlin’s development of language suffi cient to the Absolute – P. Sabot: L’absolu au miroir de la littérature. Versions de l’Hégélianisme’ chez Villiers de l’Isle Adam et chez Mallarmé – P. Gordon: Nietzsche’s Critique of the Kantian Absolute – Chapter II: Philosophy and Style – J.-P. Larthomas: Le (...)
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  17. Consciousness and degrees of belief.D. H. Mellor - 1980 - In David Hugh Mellor, Prospects for Pragmatism: Essays in Memory of F P Ramsey. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  18.  54
    (2 other versions)Vera Lucia Soares, a escritura dos silêncios. Assia djebar E o discurso do colonizado no feminino, universidade federal fluminense ­eduff, niterói, Rio de janeiro, 1988.Rachel Soihet - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:29-29.
    L'examen du parcours personnel et littéraire d'Assia Djebar, femme, écrivain et algérienne, est l'axe de l'approche de Vera Lucia Soares. Pour analyser les différentes composantes de son objet d'étude Soares a recours à quelques-uns des théoriciens les plus renommés ­ Roger Chartier, Paul Ricoeur, Todorov, entre autres ­ et les utilise de façon magistrale pour disséquer l'oeuvre d'Assia Djebar, sous les angles les plus divers. Il faut aussi signaler la bibliographie spécialisée sur laq..
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  19. La chronologie de la prêtrise IV (170/69-158/7) et la date de la mort d'Eumène II.D. Mulliez - 1998 - Topoi 8:231-241.
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  20.  81
    Rawlsian Affirmative Action.D. C. Matthew - 2015 - Critical Philosophy of Race 3 (2):324-343.
    In this paper I respond to Robert Taylor's argument that a Rawlsian framework does not support strong affirmative action programs. The paper makes three main arguments. The first disputes Taylor's claim that strong AA would not be needed in ideal conditions. Private racial discrimination, I suggest, might still exist in such conditions, so strong AA might be needed there. The second challenges Taylor's claims that pure procedural justice constrains Rawlsian nonideal theory. I argue that this rests on a fetishizing of (...)
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  21. [no title].D. Graham J. Shipley - unknown
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    Siyāsāt al-ḍiyāfah: shadharāt min khiṭāb fī al-ghayrīyah.Rashīd Būṭayyib - 2016 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ, al-Maghrib: Dār Tūbqāl lil-Nashr.
    Arabic literature; history and criticism.
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  23. Sbornik s materiali ot Natsionalnata konferentsii︠a︡ po sŭvremennite problemi na meditsinskata etika v prakticheskata deĭnost na meditsinskite rabotnitsi. Petkov, Khristo, [From Old Catalog], Vŭlchev, Aleksi, Kazanlŭkliev & Todor (eds.) - 1974
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  24.  31
    Skinner, Pettit and Livy: The Conflict of the Orders and the Ambiguity of Republican Liberty.D. Kapust - 2004 - History of Political Thought 25 (3):377-401.
    I argue that an ambiguity exists between Philip Pettit's largely normative and Quentin Skinner's largely historical accounts of republican liberty. Historical republican liberty, as seen in Livy's narrative of the period following the expulsion of the Roman kings to the passage of the Licinian-Sextian laws, was largely defensive, in the form of the tribunate. Though republican liberty protected the plebeians from wanton patrician abuse, removing them from a formal dependence analogous to that of slave or child in Roman law, it (...)
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    7. Just how big are natural languages?D. Terence Langendoen - 2010 - In Harry van der Hulst, Recursion and Human Language. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 139-146.
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  26.  55
    Truesdell S. Brown: The Greek Historians. Pp. vi + 208; 8 plates; 3 maps. Lexington, Mass.; D. C. Heath, 1973. Paper.H. D. Westlake - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (1):106-106.
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    The early history of the potentiometer system of electrical measurement.D. Rutenberg - 1939 - Annals of Science 4 (2):212-243.
  28. Līlīt wa-al-ḥarakah al-nisawīyah al-ḥadīthah.Ḥannā ʻAbbūd - 2007 - Dimashq: Wizārat al-Thaqāfah.
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  29. Islāmī ādāb.Muḥammad Zubair ʻAbdulmajīd (ed.) - 2004 - Karācī: Minle ke dīgar pate, Maktabah-yi Baitulʻilm.
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  30. Khur̲ānuṃ yuktivādavuṃ.Cer̲iyamuṇṭaṃ Abdulhamīd - 1996 - Mañcēri, [Kerala]: Niccȧ ōph Tr̲ūtȧ.
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    Labirinty istorii: V dvukh tomakh.D. N. Abdullaeva - 2013 - Khudzhand: Khuroson.
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  32. Tuḥfah-yi dulhan: izdivājī zindagī k̲h̲vushgavār aur kāmyāb banāne ke liʼe ek bihtarīn kitāb.Muḥammad Ḥanīf ʻAbdulmajīd & Muḥammad Yūsuf Ludhiyānvī (eds.) - 2000 - Karācī: Dīgar milne ke pate, Dārulishāʻat.
    Guidelines for a model bride in Islam based on Islamic teachings; includes stories of six exemplary Muslim wives during Prophet Muhammad's time.
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    Mr Kennedy and consumerism.D. E. Ackroyd - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (4):180-181.
    I welcome Mr Kennedy's general approach, but query whether the concept of consumerism is so closely applicable to medical care as he maintains. However, in particular aspects, especially the handling of complaints, his criticisms echo those made by the Patients Association. Finally, I detect some ground for hope in the more enlightened attitude creeping in to the eduction of the medical student.
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  34. Finding meaning from mutability: making sense and deriving significance through counterfactual thinking.D. Galinsky Adam, A. Liljenquist Katie, L. Kray Laura & J. Roese Neal - 2005 - In David R. Mandel, Denis J. Hilton & Patrizia Catellani, The psychology of counterfactual thinking. New York: Routledge.
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  35.  15
    Man and Metaphysics.D. W. Gotshalk - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (1):133-135.
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    The contes de fees of Madame dAulnoy: reputation and re-evaluation.D. J. Adams - 1994 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (3):5-22.
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    Elastic moduli of a Ti-Zr-Nii-phase quasicrystal as a function of temperature.D. S. Agosta, R. G. Leisure, J. J. Adams, Y. T. Shen & K. F. Kelton - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (1):1-10.
  38. Lost and found : gifts, dreams and sanity.D. Ahmed - 2019 - In Frédérique Apffel-Marglin & Stefano Varese, Contemporary voices from anima mundi: a reappraisal. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Pengantar etika dan moral komunis.D. N. Aidit - 1962 - Djakarta: Akademi Ilmu Sosial.
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  40. An N-dimensional neutrosophic linguistic approach to poverty analysis with an empirical study.D. Ajay, J. Aldring & S. Nivetha - 2020 - In Harish Garg, Decision-making with neutrosophic set: theory and applications in knowledge management. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    al-Marjaʻīyah wa-al-manhaj fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-muʻāṣir.ʻAbd Allāh Akhwāḍ - 2022 - [al-Rabāṭ]: Muʼassasat Muḥīṭ.
    Arab countries; intellectual life; 20th century.
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  42. Moderne Naturwissenschaft und Atheismus.D. Alexander - 1964 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 12 (3):356.
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  43.  26
    Nucleation of the Al6-to-α-Al––Si transformation in 3XXX aluminium alloys. II. Transformation in cast aluminium alloys.D. T. L. Alexander & A. L. Greer † - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (28):3071-3083.
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    Stacking fault energy and its influence on high-temperature plastic flow in Zr-Sn alloys.D. H. Sastry, M. J. Luton & J. J. Jonas - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (1):115-127.
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  45. The Impact of Pay-for-Performance Beyond Quality Markers-A Call for Bioethics Research.D. J. Satin - 2006 - Bioethics Examiner. University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics. Fall 10 (1).
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  46.  14
    Sinn und teilhabe.D. Scheltens - 1971 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 33 (1):154 - 160.
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    Definitions.D. Seedhouse - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (2):116-117.
  48. God Is Not Dead, Nor Doth He Sleep.D. K. Shurtleff - 2001 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 16 (2-3):244-246.
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  49.  22
    Byzantinische Provinzialjustiz.D. Simon - 1986 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 79 (2):310-343.
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    Corruptions of Set in Latin MSS.D. A. Slater - 1904 - The Classical Review 18 (06):302-.
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